Brain Power
I recently watched a fascinating episode of 60 Minutes that reported on the results of decades-long human brain research. The conclusions? The areas of the brain that light up in response to different emotions are the same in all of us.
For example, when the study participants were told to think about “gossip,” certain areas lit up; when asked to focus on spirituality and forgiveness, different areas lit up. This is astounding: Scientists can actually read peoples’ minds.
I love this because it reminds me of studies I’ve read about which equate thinking about good thoughts with actually feeling happier. The cascade of positive emotions that run through our bodies when we are happy benefit us in so many ways.
Technique of the week: Consciously spend a few minutes a day remembering happy times. Maybe look at photos or make a list of positive memories and pick a different one each day to think about for a few minutes. See how much better you feel!
PS: Please respond to this email if you’d like to join in our Introductory Meditation Class this Tuesday, December 3 @ 7:40 am.