The Power of Yet
This is the time of year when we tend to look back and think about what we’ve accomplished. Perhaps you set goals or resolutions for 2020, which you may not have met yet.
The pandemic hit and turned our world upside down. Although it’s always important to be compassionate with ourselves—it’s especially important now. DON’T beat yourself up about not completing (or even starting) those goals! Just use yet when talking or thinking about what wasn’t achieved.
Yet turns everything around for us! When used by the voice in our heads or in conversation, that little word changes what may be negative or disappointing into something positive. You DO have the power and ability to accomplish what you may not have done—yet!
If you make even one New Year’s resolution for 2021, vow to start using yet in your thoughts, conversations, and the general mindset. This will prevent you from feeling the burden of accomplishments that haven’t been met yet, which will free your mind and spirit. The word yet keeps the door open!!!