Questions Make a BIG Difference!
It’s such a crazy time in the world right now. So many of our close relationships have changed - maybe from our being together a little too much. . . or maybe not enough. Either way, strong connections and positive communication remain really important and focusing on them is one way to add extra happiness to our days RIGHT NOW!
I read an article recently that explained why asking someone “how was your day?” is really a “dead in the water” question. It’s more like an obligatory check-in versus an opportunity to communicate and get closer to your partner (or your kids).
Unless you want the answer to be “fine” or “okay”, be more specific. Choose a question that will encourage A deeper, more interesting or maybe even fun response!
Questions to Ask Instead of: ‘How Was Your Day?’
1. What was the best part of your day?
2. Did anything surprise you today?
3. Did you hear or learn anything interesting today?
4. What did you do that was just for you today?
5. What do you wish you did more (or less) of today?
6. What made you laugh today?
7. Did anything make you feel frustrated today?
8. What are you most grateful for about your day?
9. What was the best conversation you had today?
10. Tell me three good things that happened to you today.
11. What inspired you the most today?
12. What is something you did today that you’d love to do every day?
13. Did you do something kind for anyone today?
14. If you could do any part of today over again, what would it be and why?
15. Did you feel appreciated today? If so, what were the circumstances?
Of course, you won’t ask all of these questions at once, but pick a couple in order to create a ritual each evening—perhaps as part of your dinner conversation. By asking meaningful questions you’ll feel more connected and possibly learn new things about each other! The more you incorporate more specific questions in your conversations, the more habitual they will become, and the stronger your relationships will be!
Have fun with it!
Let me know what question(s) you selected to start with (hopefully this evening).
I’d love to know how the conversation goes!