Be You!


We hear so often about striving to be our “best” selves. Believe me, I get it. I’m always looking to better myself and my life. But…what if we started by getting to know our “true” selves?

Most of us feel like we know who we are and what’s important to us, and to some extent of course we do. However, in many cases, our true selves have been hidden by facades we’ve created over the years to encourage people to like us, and to help us feel like we belong. It often starts with our parents, then our teachers, friends, love interests and so on. It’s normal human behavior.

However, I’ve noticed that as I get older, I care less and less about what other people think of me. I believe it’s because I have been on a  journey of self-development. I have found a way to express my thoughts, be comfortable in my own skin, and genuinely like myself. 

Don’t wait to get older to do this! Make 2020 your year to get more comfortable with who you are and to really like yourself more?

Technique of the week: Notice anytime this week when you feel you’re not being your authentic self (you’ll know it). Don’t go there! Think about promises you’ve made to yourself. Be thoughtful about what you commit to, making sure it’s realistic and important to YOU! Then just stay on that path. Little by little you will begin to “own” yourself and your life will feel more authentic and exciting!!!


Linda Fears