The Blame Game
There’s a big difference between recognizing that someone’s bad behavior has influenced yours—and blaming that person for your actions.
It’s one thing to acknowledge that someone has affected you negatively in some way —i.e. “my mother was so controlling and that’s why I am too”—but you must take responsibility for the way you lead your life and use that realization to move forward.
For example, I had a client who insisted that she has little self control because of her sister. Her sister always had to have more of everything (the same shoe in multiple colors, second helpings of food, an extra cocktail) and since she always looked up to her sister, she became the same way.
Think about any behaviors or habits you have that you’re not so happy about. Do you blame someone else? It’s understandable—an easy way to get ourselves off the hook! However, by laying blame on others, you’re actually making yourself powerless. . .
Technique of the week: Awareness is the first step toward any change. Notice when you are placing blame for something you do on someone else. Keep in mind that you are responsible for YOU. Focus on what really matters … how to change for the better!