Happy New Year! I love fresh starts. And they’re actually one of the major benefits of living mindfully: Every day, every minute, every breath offers the opportunity to begin again! If I can leave you with one thought on this first Monday …

Happy New Year!


I love fresh starts. And they’re actually one of the major benefits of living mindfully: Every day, every minute, every breath offers the opportunity to begin again!


If I can leave you with one thought on this first Monday in the new year – I would like for you to add BEGIN AGAIN to your mantra list. (If you don’t have a mantra list- begin one!)


We all face difficult situations and challenging times, but we must remember that we are not perfect. I know that I always try to be the best version of myself – and of course, I fall short, but I don’t beat myself up.  I just tell myself “begin again”.

Stefanie Romanoff