The Art of Mindlessness


“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Mindfulness is a trendy topic these days and for good reason. Becoming more aware of your thoughts and automatic judgments is a powerful destressing tool that we can all benefit from. However, like any useful tool it isn’t always the answer. It won’t fix every challenge that we face. Sometimes we just need an energy shift or a distraction from a difficult or upsetting situation.

You may be shocked to hear me say this—but…. mindlessness can also be important to your wellbeing. Letting your mind wander and purposefully getting lost in enjoyment or distraction can sometimes be the best way to help you clear your mind and thus make better choices. Very often a wandering mind can be a creative mind, those “aha” ideas tend to occur when you aren’t looking for them.

The difference is that YOU choose when you want to be focused and when you want to be distracted. This is a powerful way of being!!!!

Technique of the week: Try to be more aware of when a conscious distraction (walking or driving a different route, watching mindless TV, or even chopping vegetables) can be helpful to you. Embrace the activity—even if it’s simply daydreaming. Allow your mind time to be “OFF” before dealing with a problem or making a key decision and watch things fall into place!



Linda Fears