To Me, From Me

What kind of emotional gift do you need to give yourself for the holidays?

This time of year, we often put ourselves last on the list and focus on the needs of everyone else. It’s understandable, yet it can be emotionally depleting.

When we put our own needs on the list and take care of ourselves, we make deposits into our personal, emotional bank accounts. This builds up reserves for those unexpected withdrawals we may have to make due to challenges we face.

Give yourself a non-material gift that you crave. If it’s time to re-charge, schedule it. If you thrive on social interactions, plan a get together with your friends! If a much-needed nap refreshes you, unplug and tuck yourself in for a rest.

Think about what’s missing and most needed right now in your life. Plan it! Give yourself that gift and build up your bank account. Scheduling some happy “me” time can be extremely fulfilling and refreshing!

Melissa Garson