Live The Way You Want to be Remembered

What do you want people to say about you when you are no longer here? I know it sounds morbid, but thinking about this can really shine some light on what’s most important to you.

Are you living the way you really want to be remembered? If you want to be thought of as loving, kind, creative, or generous, make sure your actions are consistent with the legacy you’d like to leave.

You may have to make some changes in your thinking and habits. It is possible. Research shows that our brains have neuroplasticity and we can create new neural pathways with repetitive behavior. Make a list of changes that can help you lead the life you really want to be living.

What are you waiting for? Be that way NOW! You can choose. You’ll be happy you did!

PS – If you missed my talk at The Saks Wellery, I invite you to click on this link to watch a recording. It was a great evening!! Thanks to all who came! Please feel free to share the link on your social channels so we can help others find Happiness from the Inside Out!

Melissa Garson